Thursday, 28 March 2013


So....where do I begin? I think I'm the one of the worst writers out there. Not coz I don't know proper grammar or coz I don't have creative thoughts but rather due to the fact that my thoughts can't seem to slow down enough to the point where I can actually write something that others may be able to read and follow along. Which leads me to think that I might have a mild case of attention deficit disorder.
Anyway, I began this blog so that I can chronicle my progress in web designing, game development and the acquisition of more programming knowledge...I want to be a jack-of-all-trades and a true master of all. Well.....better get started then (^_^).


  1. I kinda feel you.
    You should try to right some poetry or music.
    That will work it out!

  2. Hi Sylvan,
    Nice job. Your blog looks great.
    You don't have to slow down, just keep writing. Start multiple topics and categories if your mind is too fast to keep up with and fill in the blanks as you go.

    Soon, you'll have numerous posts covering everything you want to talk about.

    Good luck to you.

    That's a Blog.
